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SMI – India's First Online Sleep Medicine Platform

The sleep medicine field has grown up fast over the past few years. It has developed as a documented subspecialty in Western countries, but yet to be in developing markets. General Medical practitioners and professionals may encounter patients with sleep problems and may often initiate therapy. It would be significant to know sleep disorders initially and treat them to prevent complications. Failure of primary management or absence of transparency on the careful nature of the sleep disorder should prompt a recommendation to Sleep Medicine experts. In the present landscape there is an increasing demand for skilled physicians, technologists, and other personnel for accurate diagnosis, effective treatment and efficient management of sleep related problems and sleep disorders. This may be largely credited to the exponential increase in number of patients facing sleep related issues having a troublesome influence and impression on their day to day life. In order to satisfy to this increasing request, there are valuable few opportunities other than teaching and awareness upgradation of all worried connected to this field from physicians, technologists to patients. Active diagnosis and management is an result of the growth of information base of all allocated participants, who play an essential and pivotal role, in the diagnosis and action of sleep related problems and sleep disorders. Keeping this in view, a first of its kind sleep medicine concerned with online platform has been launched in 2020 by Dr. Manvir Bhatia for physicians, technicians, technologists, patients and to all those who wish to improve their awareness of sleep related problems and sleep disorders. Sleep Medicine Institute deals a wide change of educational chances. Our devoted faculty is committed to improving the information in a loyal, collective, and courteous environment. We aim to prepare our students with the skills to assimilate clearly into the ever-changing landscape of healthcare which helps them stay up to date in their industry. Sleep Medicine Institute, a division of Neurology & Sleep Centre is a one stop solution for treatment, training, teaching & community awareness for sleep related issues & neurological disorders. Started with Two Major Courses in 2020 – Basic courses in Sleep Medicine and Advance Modules in Sleep Medicine, the institute has trained more than 150 Doctors/Therapists and Technicians, majority of them rating the quality of course 5 star. Basic course in sleep medicine is intended to offer a complete state-of-the-art method to the diagnosis of sleep disorders. It aims to growth information and abilities in this exact, stimulating and energetic field of sleep medicine. This 3 month online course, covers all structures of sleep medicine and technology. Starting with base knowledge about normal respiratory and sleep physiology, it will also cover all sleep disorders and their treatment, including applied application of sleep disorders assessment and management. You will be trained about existing practice in sleep science, as well as introduced to new and sensational developments for the future. This course is an concentrated introduction to the ground of sleep medicine. It is significant for all those new to the field and mentioned for those who would like to revive their information base. Contributors will be able to review thoughts, obtain up-to-date systematic data and applied tips, to proficiently and truthfully analyze sleep disorders.

What This Course Will Entail:

  • Essentials of Sleep: Converses common sleep, why we sleep? And determinations of sleep.
  • Part of a Sleep Technologist: Defines responsibilities of a sleep tech. The vocation path of a sleep and the concern and supplies for each pole.
  • Organization and Means to a Patient with a Sleep Disorder: We will define the newest arrangement of sleep disorders, and history taking in a patient with sleep disorder.
  • Dimension of Sleep: The particulars of Overnight sleep study – what is dignified? How it is measured? Levels of PSG. We will also include gathering on home sleep testing, the indications, contraindications, advantages and disadvantages will be underlined.
  • PAP Titration: Basics of manual CPAP titration for OSA patient based on full night titration and split night study protocols. Learn how to start manual titration, how to score the results of manual titration and how to fixed pressure on fixed CPAP after manual titration
  • Examination of PSG data & Report: Indication of Polysomnography sleep stage scoring. Features of EEG respiratory, limb and EKG waveforms. Review of AASM Practice Parameters for Polysomnography and home sleep tests.
  • Apparatus Safety, Infection Control and Centre Difficulties: How to take maintenance of Equipment? Foundations of infection and how to switch infection will be described. The common problems in the center and how they should be handled.
  • History of Patient: Role play, ask specific question regarding sleep like- name, age, problems, symptoms, case study.
  • Preparing Patient for Sleep Test: Briefly describe about sleep test, provide information about do’s and don’ts before test, payment and address conformation, finalizing date for test.
  • Demo Equipment / Sensor: Sensor / Sleep study device / level 1, level 2 and level 3.
  • Hook Up: EOG, EEG, Electrode Placement, 10-20 system, respiratory sensor, and leg movement sensor.
  • Calibration: EEG / EMG / Respiratory Sensor
  • Performing the Study: After hookup recording of study, patient treatment during test.
  • Titration: PAP device introduction, employed, how to choice device for patient.
  • Mask: Outline with diverse types, how to choose best for patient.
  • Trouble Shooting: How to handle issues faced by technician during sleep test, any case.
  • Documentation: During test evidence noted by technician – diagnostic timing, titration timing, any kind uneven activity of patient, type of device and mask used.
  • Completion of the Study: Data downloading from diagnostic device and titration device, cleaning of all sensors and device, handover all document to concerned person.

Knowledge & Skills You Stand to Gain:

  • Recognize the essentials of sleep functioning
  • Assess a sleep patient
  • Classify the main corresponding tests in sleep medicine
  • Recognize the specific necessities for execution of sleep lab
  • Be able to make a patient to complete a sleep study
  • Gain involvement with polysomnography scoring
  • Cover the basic applied skills required including wiring up, troubleshooting and report explanation – develop and improve these core practical skills
  • Interaction with new research and developing knowledge in sleep medicine
  • Define standard developing sleep changes across the lifespan.
  • Clarify ordinary sleep patterns, common sleep disorders and co-morbid sleep disorders.
  • Discuss possibly opposing health products associated with sleep disorders.
  • Apply information of sleep into a health valuation, patient’s health care plan, and patient teaching.
  • Observe risk factors of sleep disorders and label interferences to promote necessary sleep.
  • Appraise and enlighten sleep problems associated with co-morbid and chronic conditions and appropriate involvements to promote sleep.
  • Investigate evidence-based methods to evaluate sleep related data and findings of sleep research articles
An inspection (MCQ pattern) will be conducted at the end of the arrangement and the trainee is predictable to clear to receive a completion certification.  Doctors with post graduate qualification in Internal Medicine, Chest Medicine, Psychiatry, Neurology and ENT, Physicians, Medical trainees with special interest in sleep medicine and Sleep technologists should consider taking up this course.  Cost to enroll – Rs.12000   Interested to pursue or have a question? Reach us at & 8527119474. Happy Learning!


  • American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). (2014). ICSD-3 – International Classification of Sleep Disorders. 3rd edn Diagnostic and coding manual. AASM.
  • Bassetti, C. L., Dogas, Z., & Peigneux, P. (Eds). (2014). ESRS European sleep medicine textbook. ESRS Regensburg. ISBN 9781119038931
  • Bassetti, C. L., McNicholas, W. T., Paunio, T., & Peigneux, P. (Eds). Sleep medicine textbook. 2nd edn. European Sleep Research Society. Forthcoming.
  • Berry, R. B., Brooks, R., Gamaldo, C., Harding, S.M., Lloyd, R.M., Quan, S.F., Troester, M.T., & Vaughn, B.V., for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (2020). The AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events: Rules, Terminology and Technical Specifications, Version 2.6. American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
  • Penzel, T., Pevernagie, D., Dogas, Z., Grote, L., de Lacy, S., Rodenbeck, A., Bassetti, C., Berg, S., Cirignotta, F., D’Ortho, M., Garcia-Borreguero, D., Levy, P., Nobili, L., Paiva, T., Peigneux, P., Pollmächer, T., Riemann, D., Skene, D. J., Zucconi, M., & Espie, C. (2014). Catalogue of knowledge and skills for sleep medicine. Journal of Sleep Research23, 222– 238.

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